Yoga: A Novel Intervention for Anxiety Among Autistic Children

By Murdoch University

Researchers at Murdoch University are interested in studying how yoga can reduce symptoms of anxiety among Autistic children.

Participants will attend a 1-hour online yoga session weekly, in groups of up to 30 over an 8 week period. The intervention will include components of yoga postures, breath work, mindfulness, and relaxation. The class will be delivered by a yoga instructor and supervised by researchers, as well as the parents of participants if desired.

Who can participate in this study?

Participants must meet the following requirements:

  • Aged 6-18 years of age
  • Have a diagnosis of Autism
  • Not have a diagnosis of schizophrenia or a history of brain injury

What are the benefits?

The research aims to get an understanding of how yoga can reduce symptoms of anxiety among Autistic children and young people.

How do I sign up?

Participants will be asked to undertake screening activities, interviews and complete questionnaires.

Families will receive a $20 gift voucher and all children will receive a yoga toolkit.

Email [email protected] to register or for further information.

Register for the study

Murdoch University Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval number: 2022/017)