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What are you looking for?

Continence Management

Support for bladder and bowel health issues, incontinence and toileting.

What is incontinence?

Incontinence is the term used to describe accidental or involuntary loss of urine (wee) from the bladder and faeces (poo) or flatus (wind) from the bowel.

1 in 4 Australians are affected by bladder and bowel health issues. This includes children and adults who experience incontinence and challenges with toileting.

Our Continence Management Services

At Therapy Focus we work closely with individuals, families, education staff and other health professionals to provide the best in continence care.

Our experienced Continence Physiotherapists help people understand what causes bladder and bowel health issues, and how they can be treated. After completing a comprehensive assessment of bladder and bowel function and toileting skills, our Continence Physiotherapists provides management strategies that support children and adults to achieve their continence goals.

Services can be provided at home, school and community settings, or you can choose to visit one of our office locations throughout Perth and in the South West. You can also access services online via teletherapy and regional visits can be arranged for families living in regional and remote areas of Western Australia.

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A young boy in a bathroom smiling beside a therapist

How we can help

Our continence management services are available to children and adults and include:

  • Toileting program development and support
  • Optimal bladder and bowel health strategies
  • Management options for incontinence
  • Prescription of continence aids (e.g. nappies and pads)
  • Provision of resources (e.g. charts and social stories)

We also offer education and training for families, education staff and health professionals.

Our fact sheet explains what our continence service includes and outlines available service packages.

    An elderly lady smiling at a nurse holding a pad

    Aged Care Continence Services

    We also offer a Bladder and Bowel Health Program for adults aged 65+ as part of our Aged Care services.

    This program can be accessed through a range of funding options including:

    • Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)
    • Home Care Packages (HCP)
    • Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC)

    Accessing our services

    Our continence services can be accessed through a range of funding options or be purchased privately.
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    State-Funded Disability Services

    We’re a contracted provider for the WA State Government’s Department for Communities, Disability Services.

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    As a registered provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, we can help you make the most of your NDIS Plan.

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    Fee for Service

    Not eligible for government funding? We can provide a customised quote based on your needs. Private health rebates apply to some services.

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    Ready to start your journey?

    If you’re ready to get started, we’re ready to share every step of your journey. Apply now and a member of our Customer Experience Team will be in touch.

    Apply for Services