Free therapy program supports school-readiness in children

By Tessa Harding

Brand Engagement Manager

Therapy Focus is offering a free early intervention program for children aged 2-5 years who have learning difficulties and developmental delay.

The program, called First Focus, aims to ease the transition to kindergarten or pre-primary for children with developmental delay by helping them gain the skills and confidence they need to thrive in a school environment.

First Focus is free for eligible children and families thanks to generous support from Telethon and the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation. This support has also enabled the establishment of the program’s venue, a play-based therapy space in Osborne Park that includes a sensory room, gross motor gym, and simulated classroom.

A therapist watching a child crawl through a play tunnel

Program Coordinator Lucie Abadi said that First Focus will provide children and families who are not eligible for government-funded services with access to vital early intervention services.

“Starting kindergarten can be daunting for many children and their parents. Formal schooling is a big step, and for families of children with developmental delays, the transition can be particularly unnerving.”

“Our First Focus program familiarises children with classroom settings and routines, encourages social interactions, and supports the development of essential skills to ensure a strong start to their educational journey.”

“We are delighted to be able to provide access to high-quality therapy services that are often difficult to access due to extensive waitlists and the high cost of private therapy services.”

The program commences on 22 July, 2024 with weekly group sessions held throughout Term 3 (July – September). Pre- and post-program assessments will also be conducted to identify skills, track progress and detail therapy recommendations.

Learn more about the program and apply online. Applications close 24 June, 2024.